EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

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EDC Electrophoresis

EDC developes, produces and sells horizontal gels and buffers for electrophoresis:
IEF - DNA - SDS - Native -2D on normal and non-fluorescent films
EDC sells word’s best flatbed chamber: flatbed professional
consults companies and institutes in all electrophoretic tasks
All EDC products can be transported at ambient temperature!
For storage, see the information on the label

New developments:


September 21, 2024

Certificated according ISO 9001: No 12 100 524900 TMS
horizontal gelhorizontal gel

...also on non fluorescent films

SDSGel EQ-type: A new gel-type was developed! For best resolution and silver staining behavior.
             Comparable to the discontinued ExCelGels and to all self-casted SDS-gels     ---> SDSGel !


SDSGel 12.5% 52S EQ, Coomassie stained


SDSGel 12.5% 25S NF EQ, fluorescence labelled
(cooperation with Dyeagnostics, Halle DE)

2024-03-07 1D Gel 52S Gradient - Overlay - G100 - G200 - G300Bearb

SDSGel Gradient NF 52S = fluorescence in all channels!

Our main application fields:

rehydration of 8 PhastGel cut-outs

PhastGel IEF:
Self cut and rehydrate
your PhastGels

EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)