EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

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EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting
Schickle & Gstrein UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle and Dipl.Ing Wolfgang Gstrein
Vor dem Kreuzberg 17
72070 Tuebingen (Germany)

For highest standards in product quality, workplace safety and responsibility for the environment we live in, we guarantee consistent product performance and continuity of supply.

EDC side entrance (delivery)
hpschickle <at> vodafone.de

Certificated according ISO 9001: No 12 100 52490 TMS

Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
more than 35 years experience in electrophoresis:

1981            BFA fuer Viruskrankheiten der Tiere, Tuebingen (Germany): lab-tec

1982 - 1987  LKB AB, Bromma (Sweden): sales representative for electrophoresis

1987 - 1990  Pharmacia AB, Uppsala (Sweden): electrophoresis specialist

1990 - 2004  Together wit Dr. Reiner Westermeier foundation of ETC GmbH
                    in Leonberg, later Kirchentellinsfurt (both Germany)
                    Development of new methods in horizontal electrophoresis, gels
                    buffers and hardware.
                    Since 1993: company management with Wolfgang Gstrein
                    (Dipl.Ing.Phys.Chemie). Responsible for chemistry, production and
                    development, especially of film-coating methods (non-fluorescent films)

2004 - 2010   Merger with Fluorotechnics PTY to Gelcompany GmbH, Tübingen
                    (Germany). Development of new horizontal and vertical 2D-methods
                    gels, buffers and hardware.
                    CEO until 11/2009, 12/2009 Senior Scientist

2010            Foundation of EDC

2011            April 2011: EDC GbR, partnership with W.Gstrein

2012            June 2012: EDC UG (haftungsbeschränkt); CEO


Dipl.Ing. Wolfgang Gstrein

          End of studies at “Hochschule München” to: “Dipl.Ing. (FH) Phys. Chemie

1980           “Chemische Fabrik Tuebingen (CHT)” as development engineer, laboratory manager
                  division manager until 12/1992, special subjects: detergents and chemistry of polymers

1993           ETC GmbH, Elektrophoresetechnik Westermeier und Schickle
                  11/1994: associate,  07/2001: CEO:
                  development of new products and production-methods for electrophoresis:

                  Production of electrophoresis-gels and buffers, special gel-binding films

2007           Merger with Fluorotechnics PTY to Gelcompany GmbH Tuebingen, CEO until 11/2009
                  12/2009 Senior Scientist

2011           April 2011: EDC GbR, independent consulting engineer, partnership with Dr. HP Schickle

2012            June 2012: EDC UG (haftungsbeschränkt); CEO



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EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)