EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

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Double Dimension Electrophoresis

April 28, 2023

Alternative suggestion to classical 2D: Double-Dimensional-2D (if the basic IPG-focusing results are not good)
First dimension = cathodal native Electrophoresis using an acidic buffer.
Second dimension = SDS-electrophoresis.

Second dimension: SDS

First dimension: Native cathodal electrophoresis


Cathodal acidic buffer.
(Peter Reiter, Gelita, Eberbach, Germany)


Collagen-hydrolysates: the smaller peptides migrate quicker than the bigger
even in native electrophoresis

5-7 kD

11 kD

 3 kD



Hot Coomassie gives nice bands: Smallest marker protein is 10.000

EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)