EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

Datenschutzerklärung >>


A) Visualizations with many steps like silver and fluorescence and/or alcohol-containing recipes.
Peptides will leave the gel before you will see them.
As visualisation we suggest to do the “Hot Coomassie Staining”, the “Semi Colloidal Coomassie” or the “Blakesley” (Glycopeptides)
The peptides appear there, where the SDS-cloud is located (before the anode).
SDS will not dock on smaller and / or basic peptides -->  Anodal Native - Cathodal Native
As second dimension of a 2-dimensional electrophoresis it also can be critical:
Beside classical 2D-methods for peptides (SDS-Peptides-2D): Double Native 2D, or Double Dimension 2D
CIPG-focusing in the basic region:
Some basic peptides will not work! --> basic peptides

The 2-dimensional possibilities:

To see all peptides / proteins in 1 separation the classical method should be used:
First dimension = IEF, second dimension = SDS-electrophoresis

To work without SDS means that 2 different native electrophoresis’ have to be performed:
Double Native Electrophoresis for acidic and for basic peptides
First dimension = IEF, second dimension = native electrophoresis
The 2 native electrophoresis’ show good transfer from the IPG-strips and are easy to perform.

If basic peptides / proteins give no good results in isoelectric focusing:
Double Dimensional Electrophoresis
First dimension = native electrophoresis, second dimension = SDS-electrophoresis

[Acidic Peptides]
[Basic Peptides]



Bac.s.: S35-labelled


SDS-cloud at the anode
covers the peptides

EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)

April 28, 2023


...Hot Coom.




Basic peptides do not like SDS