EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

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Visualization: Immuno-Staining

April 28, 2023

EDC’s new BlotGels can be used to perform a electro-blot because BlotGels can easily be removed from their support film. See EDC’s new manual.
The semidry blot method is recommended.

After the IEF the support film of the BlotGels should be removed first.
To do this first a dry nitrocellulose membrane 0.45 um (GVS North America, NitroPure, supported, #1212590) is fixed to the lab bench and the gel is placed on it, gel-facing down. The support film is now rolled away and the stack is taken to the blot apparatus. BlotGel IEF-manual.

Then the Immuno-Staining with an Anti-human IgG Antibody (HRP-conjugated, DAKO P0449) is performed on the membrane.

Advantage: A well introduced technique, IGG-selective staining.
Disadvantage: A additional technique (the blotting) has to be perfromed

fixing the membrane

fixing the blot-membrane on the bench

laying on the gel

the gel is placed on the membrane

semidry blotting stack

the semidry blotting stack

rolling away the support

the support film is rolled away


Gel:IEFGel pH 6-11
Visualization: Immuno-staining after contact-blotting
(Courtesy of E.Dubois Neurologic Clinic, Tübungen)

EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)