EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

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Hot Coomassie R350 or Sensitive Colloidal Coomassie G250 Stainings

Pharmalytes in the first dimension:
If Pharmalytes were used in the first dimension this 2 washing steps should be done first:

Washing programm:      40% EtOH/10% HAc for 30 min, 20% EtOH/10% HAc for 30 min

...then the two staining procedures above may follow:

[Hot-Coomassie 2D]

April 28, 2023

Hot Coomassie with the additional washing steps

DryGel-2D normal size, 250 ug E.coli, Hot Coomassie staining with the additional washing steps before

Colloidal Coomassie Staining
Attention: use the normal film supported gels, non-fluorescent films will not stay more than 40% ethanol!

Washing programm first:      40% EtOH/10% HAc for 30 min, 20% EtOH/10% HAc for 30 min

[Colloidal Coomassie]

2D-gel vertical (24 x 24 cm), 300 ug E.coli, Colloidal Coomassie Staining

Semi Colloidal Coomassie Staining

Washing programm first:      40% EtOH/10% HAc for 30 min, 20% EtOH/10% HAc for 30 min

[Semi-Colloidal Coom]

EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)