EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

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Separation with IEF on DryGels IEF no slots; (EDC-1110).
Rehydration-mix: 0,54 g Taurin, 2,7 g Glycerin, 2,18 ml Sepalyte (60% pH 3-10 +40% pH 5-8) ad 18 ml final volume with H2O bidest.
Extraction, running condition and staining: see application note.

Manual: DryGel IEF cereal, Staining: Coomassie Violet

diverse Chilli-varieties. M.Demharter (Protec Bioseparation) on DryGel IEF cereal no slots

Juni 01, 2023

Chili 40% 5-8

As sample application method we recommend:
BS146.667 Auftrageband Silikon, 27 Slots , 20 µl pro Slot (Biostep)
BS146.668 Auftrageband Silikon, 54 Slots , 10 µl pro Slot (Biostep)

EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)