EDC Impressum & DSE

Development & Consulting
Dr. Hanspeter Schickle
Wolfgang Gstrein

Datenschutzerklärung >>

Run is Too Short

April 28, 2023

If the run is much too short:
heck the power supply settings!
If the conditions are no longer understandable, then a run log should be made (next time): with Set and Read!). So you can understand what happened....
Remedy: check the run and keep a record.

The run is a bit too short:

In EDC’s SDS buffer-system the SDS runs behind the Bromophenolblue (BPB). This means: Stopping the run with the BPB will left ~1.5 cm SDS in the separation gel.

Remedy: let the SDS run out of the gel and use the separation distance for your proteins by optimized shutdown:
   a) You can see the backside of the SDS-zone:
       mark it with Conchenille in the sample buffer.
       Let it out in the anodal strip, then shutdown.
   b) Use a prestained standard and run it till the 10 kDa stays just before the anodal strip.

See also 2D-trouble-shooting: “
optimal shutdown

Run is much too short

Run stops at the anode

run stop correct
run much too short

Run is a bit too short

run longer!
Till the SDS is completely in the anode


14 kDa




Biozym standard:
(right lane)

run till the
green 10 kDa protein
is before the strip!

Run stopped correctly


EDC Electrophoresis Development & Consulting, Vor dem Kreuzberg 17, 72070 Tübingen (Germany)