Stock Solutions 1. 20% TCA: (Merck 1.00807.1000) Fill up this bottle with (about 850 ml) Bidest. This gives a “100%” solution. ---> 100 + 400 Bidest = 20%. 2. AgNO3: 5 % (20-fold) solution, 5 g in 100 ml. 3. Na2CO3: 25% (ten-fold) solution, 25 g (water-free!) in 100 ml. AgNO3, Na2CO3 (water-free), Sodiumthiosulfate are from Merck Ethanol, Acetic Acid, Formaldehyd (37%), Glutardialdehyde and Glycerol are from Merck
Abbr.: HAc = Acetic Acid, NaAc = Sodium Acetate